This is an amazing app for fans of HG. I LOVE the hunger series and this app has questions I never thought of. I mean, who would remember the name of rebel sharp shooters?( seriously, what is it Im stuck on that question.) I love this app and all but, ( isnt there always a but?), it kinda spoiled the HG series. I was on the last book while playing it and it asked who died in the bombing of children at the Capitol. The pictures showed the questions, and I was Prim...... ROSE! PRIMROSE!!!!!!!! OH NO!!!!!! She cant die, after Katniss risked her life for her! Seriously, Suzanne Collins!( though since I love writing I must say great twist!) But, still. After I got to that part in the book I didnt get an emotional impact! Not one little tear! So thanks, you ruined one the most emotional parts of the series! But, I still love your game. So get this app!